Tuesday, May 11, 2010


So I got my wish-- we've had tons of chilly weather this past week. I don't mind riding in the cold. After all, I rode all winter-- even when it was only ten degrees outside with a windchill of minus one. But the wind! It's been so, so windy that I haven't had the energy to get out there.

A couple of weeks ago I went for a long ride in an area I hadn't visited before. Along the way I saw a red-haired, red-bearded Amishman driving a team of two white mules. Now that's something you don't see every day, even in Lancaster county! Of course I don't have any pictures but hopefully I can get some photos of the mules in the coming weeks.

Most mules I see around here are blond sorrels. Here's a photo of my mule Ida, who is a nice example of that coloring:
Doesn't she have a kind face? And yes, that's me-- about 17 years ago! Please ignore my horrible seat position and posture, too, lol. I was just sitting around waiting for my neighbor to get her horse ready so we could go for a ride. Ida spoiled horses for me; if I ever get a chance to own again I will definitely be getting a mule!

At any rate, this Amish farm apparently has a pair of white mules as well as these dark bays. And a very picturesque setting, too.

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