Monday, May 17, 2010

Spooky house-- now with flowers! And cows!

So I decided to do the Spooky House ride, only in the opposite direction. I'm such a rebel. Imagine my surprise, though, when I saw cows in the pasture at Spooky House Farm. Now, there is another house on the property that isn't nearly as dilapidated as this one, so I'm guessing people live there. But all the outbuildings are falling apart--- they don't seem "animal-worthy" to me. But what do I know?

What's not surprising is that the cows at Spooky House Farm have horns!! A perfect fit with their surroundings. It gives them something of a mischievous look don't you think? Although I don't think I'd like to meet her in a dark alley...

Or her...

Right across the road was a soft place to rest and keep your eye on those cows if you were so inclined... and you could even take it with you-- for free!

I did see some wild strawberries that had fruited, but I couldn't work up the courage to eat one. When I was a kid we used to eat all kinds of stuff we saw in the woods or growing along the road or on trees. Now that I know how many different kinds of poisonous plants there are out there I feel kind of lucky to have made it to adulthood! The strawberry had a dry feel to it and it was also kind of hard-- not at all juicy. Also, the seeds (I think they're seeds) rubbed right off when I was touching it, giving an even greater impression of dryness.

All told I rode about seventeen miles today. Not bad, and I even tried to go out again after dinner, but we had some thunderstorms roll in and that put the kibosh on that. Tomorrow I have appointments in the morning and early afternoon but as long as the weather isn't dangerous I'll be able to go out later in the day.


Sunshine and Shadows said...

I had some wild strawberries come up in my yard a couple of years ago. They were pretty flavorless and dry.

I want to go explore spooky house. I love it.

She Rides a Bike said...

Cows with horns. My husband and I went running a few years ago and came upon some cows with horns (aka bulls) who were on the outside of the fence. It is strange and somewhat frightening to see their eyes glued to you as they slowly walk in your direction.

Heidi said...

heh. Spooky house with horned cows. :) And flowers. Your post made me smile today.

I love the chair.