Sunday, August 24, 2008

Day 27 of 365

I don't know what my problem was this afternoon, but I felt so tired and cranky on my ride today. Maybe it was because I went out at about 6:30 but hadn't had anything to eat since breakfast around 10. Maybe it was because I had just spent the previous half hour trying to keep myself from falling asleep on the couch. Or maybe it was because the heat and humidity are back, and riding in those conditions is miserable.

I did see a hot air balloon but it was too far off, and the air too hazy, to get a picture of it. The last weekend in September is the Keystone Hot Air Balloon Festival I believe, so I should have a chance to get plenty of pictures during that time.

Other than that this was a pretty uneventful ride-- just a lazy, end-of-summer day. If my basket had room for a lawn chair, book and cold drink I would have stopped near that field in the picture above for a short while. There was a pleasant breeze, but anything more active than sitting and reading made for an uncomfortable time.

I did see lots of woolly bears-- white, brown and black-and-brown. I'm pretty sure that folk wisdom says that if you see lots of woolly bears during the summer it means the winter is going to be a cold one. And it would be just my luck to pick a cold winter to ride every day. Last winter was quite mild; we had only two or three days that were cold enough for snow. We mostly had rain. I guess I'll have to wait and see.

That's a Black Walnut in the picture.

Miles today: 7 Total miles: 156


Kerilou said...

My days have been a struggle like yours have been lately. So warm and humid, it is hard to lift my feet off the floor. Things will get better, it will be cooler, soon. Think about all those beautiful fall rides!!
I like the black walnut photo, DH and I planted two of those in our yard quite a few years ago, and they are finally getting bigger. Forever, we had to stick a stake in the ground just to mark it so we wouldn't mow it. Now they are almost as tall as me! I will know what to look for when the produce, now! Thanks!

glitzen said...

oh so pretty! wish we had your mild winters! I love snow, and think it is so beautiful, but I don't like having it for so long, and SO MUCH. Kids love it though!

Sure looked like a nice ride!
