Thursday, August 28, 2008

Day 31 of 365

It was a dark and stormy night.... oh wait-- wrong blog...

It was a dark and drizzly night, with a slight SSE breeze and gusts of 6 mph. Now we're in the right place! Yes, once again I didn't get my ride in during the day and had to take a quick trip around my development in the dark.

One good thing about it is that now I know I'm going to need a pair of goggles or something for riding in bad weather. I'm thinking something like this might work. And if you have time, take a minute and read about Pancho Barnes. She was quite a character, like many of the early aviatrices. Reading about them and their adventures is one of my hobbies.

I swear that tomorrow I'm going to put aside my daily procrastination and start getting my rides in earlier in the day. Soon the sun'll be going down at 5pm, so I better or I'll be riding in the dark every day.

Here's something sunny for today: Prickly Lettuce.

Miles today: 1 Total miles: 175


Kerilou said...

I have never heard of prickly lettuce. Good one! I have a pic of something I saw in my parents yard yesterday, I plan on posting it to my blog. I am hoping that you can identify it for me! LOL!

FlipFlop Mom said...

You're doing AMAZING!!! keep posting the awesome pictures too!!

helmet hair 365 said...

Ok, I'll check it out and see if I can firgure out what it is. Sometimes it's harder than you would think.

I'm so glad you guys like my bog!